Sunday, February 17, 2013

World Wide Web

The future of the World Wide Web is looking to be packed with increasing changes in where information is stored. Computers started very large, filling an entire room and begun to get more and more compact. However despite the razor thin phones and tablets, physical servers have not declined in importance. In fact, with "the Cloud" (information stored off site, currently Amazon and Google are the major providers of cloud storage) surging in popularity - physical servers are becoming more important yet again. These companies own large physical servers on which the data storage space is available for rent to companies for a reasonable price.

In the article "'The Cloud' Challenges Amazon" by Brian X. Chen, it is stated that many companies pay for space on Amazon's data centers. These companies include everything from small time sites to popular and well-known services such as Netflix and Instagram. The article talks of how an error or natural disaster can damage a data center and such an event can take down "the Cloud" until the damage is repaired. While this causes minor inconveniences for people watching Netflix, there are much more serious implications for small sites who cannot afford to pay for all the redundancies Amazon offers at a price.

In the future it is likely that the use of "Cloud" services will continue to increase, especially as people become increasingly dependent on technology at their fingertips and monthly fees. Fast, easy, and cheap is seen as ideal in this country - so the "Cloud" flourishes and thrives. These services have driven businesses such as Blockbuster, family-owned video stores, and Hollywood Video bankrupt. Yet no one seems to notice, they just push a button or a spot on the screen and stream videos. The future looks dim for brick and mortar stores, as technological advances continue to fly past them in profits.


  1. I agree with you that brick and mortar stores are on the downfall. We are becoming more and more connected with software and our computers and less with what is actually in front of us.

  2. i agree with you that the cloud is in a fast increase because of our urge to get things done as quickly as possible.So, being a fast and not expensive way to finish our tasks quickly,the cloud is going to be more and more popular service in the future.

  3. I think the cloud is useful for those with a faster internet connection, but I think those with a slower connection might still find use in physical copies of movies and games.

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